Global Rise of Drug Developers – Welcome to Age of Bio-Innovators

Global Rise of Drug Developers: Welcome to the Age of Bio-Innovators

In recent years, the landscape of drug development has undergone a remarkable transformation. This shift, driven by groundbreaking advancements in biotechnology, data science, and a collaborative global effort, has ushered in what many are calling the Age of Bio-Innovators. This era is marked by a surge in innovative drug development practices, promising new therapies, and an unprecedented pace of medical breakthroughs. Let’s delve into the factors driving this global rise and explore what the future holds for bio-innovation.

The Bio Innovations Boom

The biotechnology sector has experienced exponential growth, fueled by advances in genetic engineering, cell therapy, and regenerative medicine. Technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9, which allows for precise gene editing, and CAR-T cell therapy, a revolutionary approach to cancer treatment, are just a few examples of how biotech is reshaping the drug development landscape.

Data-Driven Drug Development

The integration of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) into drug development has been a game-changer. AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets to identify potential drug candidates, predict patient responses, and optimize clinical trial designs. This data-driven approach accelerates the discovery process and enhances the precision and effectiveness of new therapies.

Global Collaboration

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of global collaboration in drug development. The rapid development and distribution of vaccines were made possible through unprecedented international cooperation. This spirit of collaboration is now being applied to tackle other pressing health challenges, from rare diseases to chronic conditions.

Startups and Bio-Innovators

A new wave of startups and bio-innovators is driving much of this progress. These agile, research-focused companies are often at the forefront of developing novel therapies. Their ability to quickly pivot and innovate makes them key players in the drug development ecosystem. Venture capital and public funding are increasingly flowing into these startups, providing the financial backing needed to turn promising research into viable treatments.

Personalized Medicine

One of the most exciting developments in this new age of bio-innovation is the shift toward personalized medicine. Advances in genomics and molecular biology allow for treatments tailored to individual patients’ genetic profiles. This approach not only increases the efficacy of therapies but also minimizes adverse effects, leading to better patient outcomes.

Regulatory Evolution

Regulatory agencies worldwide are evolving to keep pace with the rapid advancements in drug development. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) are adopting more flexible frameworks to expedite the approval of breakthrough therapies. Initiatives like the FDA’s Breakthrough Therapy Designation and the EMA’s PRIME scheme aim to accelerate the development and review of drugs that address unmet medical needs.

The Future of Drug Development

The Age of Bio-Innovators promises a future where medical treatments are more effective, personalized, and rapidly developed. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative approaches to emerge, tackling diseases that were once considered untreatable. However, this era also presents challenges. Ensuring equitable access to these advanced therapies, addressing ethical concerns related to genetic manipulation, and maintaining the sustainability of healthcare systems are critical issues that must be addressed.


The global rise of drug developers marks an exciting chapter in medical history. The Age of Bio-Innovators is not just about technological advancements; it’s about improving human health on a global scale. By harnessing the power of biotechnology, data science, and international collaboration, we are poised to conquer some of the most formidable health challenges of our time. Welcome to the Age of Bio-Innovators—where the future of medicine is being written today.

Understanding Oncology Drug Development

Understanding Oncology Drug Development

Are you looking to decipher the complexities of oncology drug development? Want to know how potential cancer treatments transition from lab to market?

Oncology drug development is a multifaceted process, involving rigorous research, testing, and regulatory compliance. It’s a journey from the initial discovery of a potential therapeutic compound to its final approval and market release. The goal? To deliver safe, effective cancer treatments that can improve and extend the lives of patients worldwide.

At its core, oncology drug development is a race against time, with scientists, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies striving to bring new treatments to patients as quickly as possible. But what exactly does this process entail?


The Basics of Oncology Drug Development

Oncology drug development begins with the identification of potential therapeutic compounds. This could be small molecules, biologics, cell therapies, or radiopharmaceuticals – anything that shows promise in the fight against cancer. These compounds are then subjected to a series of preclinical tests to assess their safety and efficacy.

  • Preclinical testing: This is where the rubber meets the road – or rather, where the potential drug meets the lab rat. Preclinical testing involves in vitro (test tube) and in vivo (animal) studies to assess the safety and efficacy of the potential drug.

  • Clinical trials: If the compound passes preclinical testing, it moves on to clinical trials, where it’s tested on human volunteers. This is a multi-phase process, with each phase designed to answer specific research questions.

  • Regulatory review and approval: If the drug proves to be safe and effective in clinical trials, it’s submitted to regulatory authorities like the FDA for approval. This involves a thorough review of all the data collected during the drug development process.


Challenges in Oncology Drug Development

While the process may seem straightforward, oncology drug development is fraught with challenges. For starters, cancer is not a single disease but a collection of diseases, each with its own unique characteristics and treatment needs. This means that a drug that works for one type of cancer may not work for another.

Moreover, the high failure rate of oncology drugs is a significant hurdle. According to some estimates, only about 5% of oncology drugs that enter clinical trials end up getting FDA approval. That’s like betting on a horse with 20:1 odds – not exactly a sure thing!


Driving Innovation in Oncology Drug Development

Despite these challenges, there’s a lot of exciting innovation happening in the field of oncology drug development. From precision medicine and immunotherapies to AI and machine learning, new technologies and approaches are helping to accelerate the development of new cancer treatments.

For example, advances in genomics are enabling the development of targeted therapies that can attack specific genetic mutations in cancer cells. This is like having a GPS that can guide a missile to its target – only in this case, the target is a cancer cell, and the missile is a drug.

Similarly, AI and machine learning are being used to predict how potential drugs will behave in the body, helping to streamline the drug development process and increase the chances of success.

As we wrap up, it’s clear that oncology drug development is a complex, challenging, but ultimately rewarding process. It’s a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance, a journey of discovery and innovation that holds the promise of better treatments and improved outcomes for cancer patients worldwide. So, whether you’re a big pharma company, a startup, an onco drug developer, or a bio partnering company, there’s never been a more exciting time to be involved in this field. And remember, every step forward, no matter how small, brings us closer to the ultimate goal: a world without cancer.

Guide to Navigating the Global Biostartup Landscape

Guide to Navigating the Global Biostartup Landscape

Are you struggling to navigate the ever-evolving global biostartup landscape? Looking for innovative biotech startups to partner with? This guide is for you.

As the biotech industry continues to grow and evolve, it brings with it an ever-changing landscape of biostartups. These startups, with their innovative ideas and groundbreaking technologies, hold the potential for transformative impact on drug discovery and development. But, navigating this rapidly evolving landscape can be a daunting task, even for seasoned business leaders. The sheer volume of startups, coupled with the rapid pace of innovation, can make it difficult to identify and connect with the most promising ones.

Key Challenge of Navigating the  Biostartup Landscape

The global biostartup landscape is like a vast, uncharted territory. There are hidden gems waiting to be discovered, but also potential pitfalls and dead ends. It’s a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is constantly changing and the needle keeps moving. And, let’s not forget about the other explorers (read: competitors) who are also on the hunt.

Mapping  the Biostartup Terrain

So, how do you navigate this complex landscape? The key is to have a map. But not just any map – you need an up-to-date, comprehensive map that covers all the key bio-events globally. This is where OmicsX comes in.
  • OmicsX offers a proprietary database that provides a bird’s eye view of the global biostartup landscape. Think of it as your personal Google Earth for biostartups.
  • This database not only identifies emerging biostartups, but also provides detailed information about their innovations in drug discovery and development. It’s like having a personal tour guide who knows all the hotspots and hidden gems.

Connecting with  Biostartups

Once you’ve identified potential biostartups, the next step is to connect with them. This might seem like a daunting task, akin to trying to get a date with a supermodel. But don’t worry, OmicsX has got you covered.
  • OmicsX provides solutions to help you quickly connect with emerging biostartups. It’s like having a matchmaker who specializes in biotech.
  • With OmicsX, you can bypass the awkward introductions and get straight to the meaningful conversations. It’s like speed dating, but for business. And without the awkward silences.

By leveraging the power of OmicsX, you can navigate the global biostartup landscape with ease and confidence. Whether you’re looking for innovative biotech startups to partner with, or simply trying to stay ahead of the competition, OmicsX is your trusted guide in this exciting journey.

So, buckle up and get ready to explore the world of biostartups. With OmicsX by your side, you’re sure to find the hidden gems that will help you make a transformative impact on drug discovery and development. Here’s to a successful journey in the ever-evolving global biostartup landscape.

The 5 Trends Shaping Biostartups Globally

The 5 Trends Shaping Biostartups Globally

Are you keeping up with the rapidly evolving world of biotech startups? Do you know the trends shaping the future of this dynamic industry?

As a leader in the life sciences industry, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest trends and developments. The biotech startup landscape is particularly exciting, with countless innovative companies emerging globally. These startups are not only revolutionizing healthcare and medicine but also reshaping the future of our world.

Understanding the key trends that are driving these startups can help you identify new opportunities, make strategic decisions, and stay ahead of the curve.


Personalized Medicine

One of the most significant trends in the world of biostartups is the shift towards personalized medicine developing tailor treatments utilizing an individual’s unique genetic makeup, improving the efficacy of therapies and reducing side effects.

Biotech startups are leveraging advances in genomics and bioinformatics to make this a reality. 


AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are making waves in the biotech startup scene. These technologies are being used to accelerate drug discovery, optimize clinical trials, and even predict disease outbreaks. 

Imagine a startup named Prognostica that uses machine learning to predict disease outbreaks. It’s like a weather forecast for diseases. “Today’s forecast: 30% chance of flu, 10% chance of a common cold, and 0% chance of zombie apocalypse.”


CRISPR and Gene Editing

CRISPR and other gene-editing technologies are revolutionizing the biotech industry. Biostartups are using these tools to develop new therapies for genetic diseases, improve agricultural practices, and even combat climate change. 

For instance, a startup called GeneJacked is using CRISPR to create super crops that can survive in extreme climates. It’s like giving plants a superhero makeover – Captain Corn, anyone?


Microbiome Therapies

The human microbiome, the collection of microbes living in and on our bodies, has become a hot topic in biotech. Startups are exploring how manipulating these microorganisms can treat diseases, enhance health, and even influence behavior. 

Think of a startup called MicrobeMenders that creates personalized probiotics based on your microbiome. It’s like having a personal trainer for your gut bacteria. “Drop and give me 20Million, E. coli!”


Digital Health

Digital health is another trend shaping the biotech startup landscape. Companies are leveraging technology to improve healthcare delivery, patient monitoring, and disease prevention.

Consider a startup named HealthHub that offers a digital platform for remote patient monitoring. It’s like a Fitbit on steroids, keeping tabs on your health round the clock. “Siri, how’s my blood pressure?”

As we navigate this exciting era of biotech innovation, staying informed about these trends is essential. By understanding the forces shaping the biotech startup landscape, you can anticipate changes, seize opportunities, and drive your business forward. Remember, in the world of biotech, knowledge isn’t just power – it’s survival.

So, whether you’re looking to invest in the next big thing, seeking inspiration for your own venture, or simply keeping an eye on the competition, these trends offer a glimpse into the future of biotech startups. And who knows? Today’s trends could be tomorrow’s breakthroughs.


Strategies for Connecting with Bioinnovators

Strategies for Connecting with Bio-Innovators

Are you struggling to identify and connect with emerging biostartups? Are you looking for innovative solutions in drug discovery and development?

The biotech industry is booming, with new startups emerging every day, offering innovative solutions in drug discovery and development. However, the challenge lies in identifying these bioinnovators and establishing meaningful connections with them. This is where strategies for connecting with bioinnovators come into play.


Understanding the Bioinnovation Landscape

Before you can connect with bioinnovators, you need to understand the landscape. This includes knowing the key players, the latest trends, and the major challenges in the industry. This knowledge will not only help you identify potential partners but also understand their needs and how you can add value to their operations.
  • Stay updated with industry news and reports. This will give you insights into the latest trends and innovations in the industry.
  • Participate in industry events and forums. This will give you an opportunity to meet bioinnovators and understand their needs.


Utilizing Networking Platforms

Networking platforms such as OmicsX can play a crucial role in connecting with bioinnovators. These platforms provide access to a proprietary database covering key bio-events globally, helping you identify potential partners. And no, we’re not trying to sell you our services. We’re just stating facts, with a pinch of dry humor.
  • Use these platforms to find emerging biostartups that align with your interests and goals.
  • Engage with these startups by participating in discussions and sharing your insights. This will help you establish your credibility and build relationships.


Leveraging Social Media

Yes, even bioinnovators use social media. Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and even Instagram can be effective tools for connecting with bioinnovators. And no, you don’t have to post pictures of your lunch to get their attention. A thoughtful comment on their latest research might do the trick.
  • Follow relevant hashtags and join industry-specific groups to find bioinnovators.
  • Engage with their content to show your interest and start a conversation.
In conclusion, connecting with bioinnovators requires an understanding of the industry, effective use of networking platforms, and leveraging social media. It’s not about pushing your agenda, but about building relationships based on mutual interests and values. So go ahead, start connecting, and who knows, you might just find the next big thing in bioinnovation. And remember, if all else fails, there’s always the good old-fashioned way of connecting – a friendly email or a phone call. After all, who doesn’t like a bit of personal touch?

10 Keys to Successful Drug Discovery

10 Keys to Successful Drug Discovery

Are you struggling to navigate through the complex world of drug discovery? Looking for strategies to enhance your success? This blog post is for you.

Drug discovery is a complex and challenging landscape that requires a blend of scientific acumen, strategic thinking, and innovative approaches. It’s a high-stakes game, with the potential to save lives, revolutionize healthcare, and create significant economic value. But it’s also fraught with risks and uncertainties. So, how do you increase your odds of success?

At OmicsX, we’ve been working closely with bioinnovators and biostartups, and we’ve identified 10 key strategies that can help you navigate this complex landscape and increase your chances of successful drug discovery.


Explore all aspects of the Disease

Before you can find a cure, you need to understand the disease. This means digging deep into the biology, genetics, and epidemiology of the disease, and understanding the unmet needs of patients.


Identify a Druggable Target

Finding a target for your drug is like finding a needle in a haystack – but with the right tools and strategies, it’s possible. The key is to focus on validated targets that are known to play a role in the disease.


Incorporate Latest Technologies

From AI and machine learning to next-generation sequencing, innovative technologies are revolutionizing drug discovery. Embrace these technologies to accelerate your research, reduce costs, and increase accuracy.


Prioritize Safety

Drug discovery is not just about efficacy – safety is equally important. Always prioritize safety in your research and development, and remember that a safe drug is a successful drug.



Drug discovery is a team sport. Collaborate with researchers, clinicians, patients, and other stakeholders to gain insights, validate your findings, and accelerate your progress.


Stay Agile

Drug discovery is a rapidly evolving field. Stay agile and flexible, and be ready to pivot your strategies based on new findings, market trends, or regulatory changes.


Be Patient

Drug discovery is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, stay committed, and remember that great things take time.


Learn from Failures

Failure is not the end, but a stepping stone to success. Learn from your failures, and use them as opportunities to improve and innovate.


Protect Your Intellectual Property

Protecting your intellectual property is crucial in drug discovery. Make sure to file patents early and regularly, and always keep your IP strategy in mind.


Stay Informed

Stay informed about the latest trends, breakthroughs, and regulations in the drug discovery world. Knowledge is power, and staying informed can give you a competitive edge.

These are just a few strategies to enhance your success in drug discovery. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and what works for one company may not work for another. So, keep experimenting, keep learning, and keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

In the end, remember that drug discovery is not just about creating a successful product, but about making a difference in the lives of patients. So, keep your eyes on the prize, and let your passion for making a difference be your guiding light.

Good luck on your drug discovery journey. We’re rooting for you!

How to Identify Emerging Biostartups

How to Identify Emerging Biostartups

Are you struggling to keep up with the fast-paced world of biotech startups? Looking for innovative partners in drug discovery and development?

The biotech startup landscape is a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and potential. However, with the rapid pace of advancements, it can be challenging to identify and connect with emerging biostartups that are poised to make significant contributions to the field. This article will guide you on how to navigate this dynamic sector.

Understanding  the Biotech Startup Landscape

The biotech startup landscape is characterized by a constant flux of new entrants, each bringing unique innovations and solutions to the table. These startups are typically focused on groundbreaking research in areas like drug discovery, personalized medicine, genomics, and more. However, with the sheer volume of startups, it can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Key Indicators of  Promising Biostartups

So, how do you identify the most promising biostartups? Here are some indicators to look out for:

  • Strong leadership team: A startup with a team of experienced industry professionals is more likely to navigate the challenges of the biotech sector successfully.

  • Robust scientific foundation: The startup’s research should be based on sound scientific principles, and ideally, validated by peer-reviewed publications.

  • Clear business strategy: The startup should have a clear plan for commercializing its technology, including potential partnerships, market entry strategies, and revenue models.

Using  Market Intelligence Tools

Identifying promising biostartups can be like playing “Where’s Waldo?” in a crowd of lab coats. This is where market intelligence tools come in handy. These tools, like the ones provided by OmicsX, can help you quickly identify and connect with emerging biostartups.

For example, imagine you’re looking for a startup developing a novel drug for Alzheimer’s disease. Instead of sifting through thousands of startups, you can use a market intelligence tool to narrow down your search based on factors like the startup’s focus area, stage of development, and funding status.

Staying Updated with Key  Bio-events

Another effective way to identify emerging biostartups is by staying updated with key bio-events globally. These events often serve as launching pads for startups to showcase their innovations. However, keeping track of these events can be as challenging as herding cats on a treadmill.

Thankfully, services like OmicsX offer a proprietary database covering key bio-events globally, making it easier for you to stay updated and connect with potential startup partners.

In conclusion, identifying emerging biostartups requires a combination of understanding the biotech landscape, recognizing key indicators of promising startups, using market intelligence tools, and staying updated with key bio-events. With these strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the dynamic world of biotech startups, and who knows, you might just find the next big thing in biotech!

So, get out there and start exploring the vibrant world of biotech startups. And remember, in the words of Thomas Edison, “To have a great idea, have a lot of them.” Happy hunting!

Top 400 Immuno-Oncology Startups – Key Technologies, Pipeline, Deals and Funding Analysis

Past few years witness immense rise in the establishment of Immuno-Oncology (I/O) focused drug development startups worldwide opening enormous partnering opportunities but at present their is no authentic source/method to map these emerging startups.

I/O Startups Report for the first time identifies and profiles Top 400 Active Immuno-Oncology Startup companies from 24 different countries worldwide, developing 581 oncology targeting drugs; established between 2010 – 2019; with individual market valuation less than $500 Mn USD.

To bring this massive report on table Industry experts for the first time analyzed nearly 650 I/O Startups established during this period and filtered Active 400 drug developers, based on their technology, management capabilities and current funding capacity to further carry out drug development research.

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Key Highlights of the Report:

Startups Focused – Highly innovative, first of its type, which includes only Immuno-Oncology Startups Developing – Immune Checkpoint Modulators; Cellular Immunotherapies; Oncolytic Viruses based Therapeutics, Peptide Vaccines, Bispecific T Cell Engagers and Monoclonal Antibodies targeting cancer.

Technology / Drug Pipeline – Details on Individual Startup’s proprietary Technologies with its Active Cancer Pipeline and University / Institutes Collaborations.

– Provides details on 581 early stage noble I/O molecules available for bio-partnering, with targets and mechanism of action.

Strategic Moves & Advantages– Quickly Identify the key strategic moves a startup is taking to be more innovative, also identify its strategic advantages, that will boost its growth going forward.

Venture Funding / Partnering – Monitor Individual Startup’s Various Funding Rounds (Private / Govt. ). Its current Partnering Status with CROs / Research Institutes / Big Pharma.

– Report covers over 700+ I/O exclusive partnering deals and funding round details of 400 companies, since their incorporation

– Provides several Intelligence pointers like – Top I/O Drug Developers capable of changing oncology research going forward. Big Pharma investments and partnering with I/O startups, along-with Key Venture Investors and their portfolio companies in this domain.

Urgent Need of the Report:

  • Filter Authentic Data: Last few years added maximum number of newcos in Immuno-Oncology drug discovery this added an urgent need to filter serious from non-serious one.
  • Higher Collaboration to aid drug development process: Immuno-Oncology drug discovery is evolving and requires timely strong support and inputs across the channel.
  • Well-funded I/O domain, thus offers immense partnering opportunities; but lacks proper system to track emerging opportunities.
  • Currently available resources cover only limited number of known companies that too developing late stage clinical molecules. But real challenge lies in timely identifying the future shining star.
  • Virtually no system to track, Startups outside U.S and China, which contributes to 30% of total established startups in I/O domain.

Reasons to Buy

  1. Largest, single source collection of early stage I/O pipeline; which otherwise is very difficult to identify and map for emerging companies.
  2. Report provides you with the holistic view on latest technology advances in I/O and emerging clinical trial combinations in I/O Space.
  3. All Top 400 companies are profiled in form of mini-reports and includes, all their I/O focused major business deals, funding, proprietary technol­ogies and drug updates, since incorporation.
  4. Report is Gold mine in organizing your sales and marketing efforts by identifying new leads and better positioning existing startups based on latest updated knowledge on their upcoming projects and current funding status. It also provides LinkedIn & e-mail IDs of key decision makers (CXOs) of all startups; making things further smoother.
  5. Every piece of intelligence is cross validated. Startups having proper funding, technologies and pipeline are only included. No Acquired, Merged or Dormant Stage I/O Drug Developer is included.
  6. Designed by Industry Experts, who exclusively tracks bio-startups and publish exclusively in this domain.

This highly precise 334 pages Report is designed keeping in mind to keep information intact, informative and self-explanatory. Also, every piece of intelligence is cross validated. It will help you in identifying the present and near-term future of I/O Drug Discovery and development making it a must buy.

For Purchase & Further Support Kindly Visit :-

Global Top 370 Neurology Startups – Key Technologies, Pipeline, Deals and Funding

Neurology Startups 2020 – A Global Comprehensive Intelligence Report for the first time identifies and profiles Top 370 Active Neurology Startups from 29 different countries worldwide, developing 448 molecules targeting Neurological disorders; established between 2010 – 2019; with individual market valuation less than $500 Mn USD available for bio-partnering.

Download Report Pages

Scope of the Report

Single source largest collection of early stage Neurology pipeline; which otherwise is very difficult to identify and map for emerging companies.

Provides complete details on 448 early stage neurology molecules, with their targets and mechanism of action. Also, separate intelligence sections like Stem Cell Therapy and Gene Therapy developing Neurology Startups etc. are also provided.

Detailed early stage pipeline details for Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson Disease, Pain Treatment, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Ischemic Stroke & Traumatic Brain Injury and Schizophrenia.

Covers 500+ Neurology exclusive deals and provides years-wise deals and funding activities for 2017, 2018 and 2019. Report also covers core Intelligence how Big Pharma are investing in Neurology startups, along-with other Key Investors and their portfolio companies in the domain.

Reasons to Buy

  • Largest Coverage – Guaranteed  Single Report creates immense authentic knowledge-base (all information with references) on hundreds of proprietary technologies, M&A deals and partnering occurring among startups.
  • Huge Time Saver – All startups are profiled in form of mini-reports and includes, all their Neurology focused major business deals, funding, proprietary technol­ogies and drug updates, since incorporation and thus clearly outline individual startup’s core strength with respect to others. Making it perfect tool for Decision Making and a big time saver too.
  • Provide Instant Answers – Report is highly precise and designed keeping in mind to keep information intact, informative and self-explanatory, with cross validated for every piece of intelligence.
  • Report is Gold mine in organizing your sales and marketing efforts by identifying new leads and better positioning existing startups based on their technologies and current funding status. It also provides LinkedIn & e-mail IDs of key decision makers (CXOs) in their respec­tive company profile section, making things further easier.
  • Startups having proper funding, technologies and pipeline are only included. Acquired, Merged or Dormant Stage Neurology Startups are not included.

To bring this massive report on table, Industry experts for the first time analyzed nearly 500 Neurology Startups established in last 10 years and filtered Active 370 drug developers, based on their technology, management capabilities and current funding capacity to further carry out drug development research. Report will help you in identifying the present and near-term future of Neurology Drug Discovery and development; thus making it a strong buy.